Peter Clark

Dr. Peter Clark is a Senior Research Director and founding member of the Allen Institute for AI (AI2), and also served as Interim CEO from 2022-2023. He leads AI2's Aristo Project, a team of 15 people developing AI agents that can systematically reason, explain, and continually improve over time, in particular in the context of scientific discovery. He received his Ph.D. in 1991 and has worked in AI for over 30 years. He has published over 250 papers, and has received several awards, including four Best Paper awards (AAAI, EMNLP x 2, AKBC), a Boeing Associate Technical Fellowship (2004), and Senior Membership of AAAI.


Recent Talks

  • Invited Talk at the ACL Workshop on Knowledgeable Language Models (upcoming, Aug 2024)
  • Navigating the Evolution: The Rising Tide of Large Language Models for AI and Education (slides). Keynote at AIED'24, July 2024.
  • Structured Reasoning with Language (slides). Keynote at EWSC'24, May 2024.
  • What just happened? Deciphering the sudden rise of AI (slides). Invited talk at the Rainier Club, Jan 2024.
  • Invited talk at Google NY. Oct 2023.
  • Small Steps to Grand Challenges: Lessons from the AI2 Reasoning Challenge (ARC) (slides, video (at minute 17:00)) Invited talk at the NAS Workshop on Scientific Discovery, Oct 2023.
  • The Role of Structured Reasoning in the age of GPT (slides). Invited talk at Megagon Labs, Oct 2023.
  • The role of NL reasoning in the age of GPT (slides, video). Keynote at the ACL Workshop on NL Reasoning and Structured Explanations, July 2023.
  • What do our Machines Dream of? (slides, video). Invited Talk at Santa Fe Institute (SFI), March 2023.
  • Systematic Reasoning with Language Models (slides). Keynote talk at the NeurIPS MATH-AI Workshop, Dec 2022.
  • Towards Teachable Reasoning Systems (slides). Invited Seminar at Univ Notre Dame, Nov 2022.
  • Systematic Reasoning with Language Models (slides, video). Keynote talk at AKBC, Oct 2021.
  • Reasoning, Question-Answering, and Teachable Systems (slides). AI Class Lecture at Univ Pennsylvania, June 2022.
  • Invited webinar at AI Camp, April 2022.
  • Systematic Reasoning and Explanation over Natural Language (slides). Invited Talk at Univ Pennsylvania, Feb 2022.
  • Systematic Reasoning and Explanation over Natural Language (slides). Invited Talk at Univ Texas, Dec 2021.
  • Invited Talk at Univ North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, Nov 2021.
  • General-Purpose Question Answering with AI2's Macaw (slides, video). Invited webinar at AI Camp, Nov 2021.

Current Research Areas
